Enforcing Style
Enforce consistent style patterns with the command npm run prettify
"prettier": {"arrowParens": "always","bracketSpacing": true,"bracketSameLine": false,"printWidth": 80,"quoteProps": "as-needed","semi": true,"singleQuote": true,"tabWidth": 2,"trailingComma": "all","useTabs": true},"scripts": {// ..."prettify": "npx prettier --write .",// ...}
HaTs projects are pre-configured to enforce style using prettier.
While enforcing code style may seem immaterial, these consistency refactors carry huge value adds:
- Your git history on file-by-file basis is cleaner.
- Your team members or contributors can quickly write features locally using whatever idiosyncratic patterns they like, and the final synced changes are automagically standardized.